Error "HTTP/1.1 404" after new installation

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Error "HTTP/1.1 404" after new installation

Post by Siegfried »

Hi, after many years I have come back to my movie catalogue - and to this wonderful programme! After a complete new installation (Windows 11) I am getting an error box with the following content "HTTP/1.1 404" when trying to import data for a film. This happens with any script. Executing scripts works up to the point of selecting the desired movie but data download stops after the third click on "OK".
As you might have guessed, my technical knowledge is very limited, quite in contrast to my enthusiasm for using Ant Movie Catalog again!!!
Many thanks in advance for any useful tip!
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Re: Error "HTTP/1.1 404" after new installation

Post by antp »

Try updating the script that gives you the error, in case you haven't yet done so. It may simple be because it is outdated.
For that, run the first script of the list, named "Update scripts".
The installation package is not often updated so some of the scripts were updated since then.
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