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Could someone please alter the IMDB script to copy LARGE pic

Posted: 2009-01-16 21:52:18
by eurosears
Could someone please alter the IMDB script to copy LARGE pictures from The little pictures from IMDB and are not great but I think the script would be boosted if it could copy the large pictures from (which appear after you click on the small picture of a DVD or VHS). Is this even possible?
Thank you for considering it.

Posted: 2009-01-16 23:16:57
by bad4u
This still works for me with current script version.. e.g. try The Dark Knight or Transformers. But it could be improved for other titles like Batman Begins, that do not have a 240px picture size.

Simply change line

Code: Select all

Value := StringReplace(TextAfter(Value, '<img src="'), '_AA240', '');
on function ImportFromAmazonRedirect to

Code: Select all

  Value := StringReplace(Value, TextBetween(Value, '_AA', '_'), '');
  Value := StringReplace(TextAfter(Value, ' src="'), '_AA', '');
and script should import more large pictures from amazon again. Remember that you need to set script option "ImageKind" to 4 or 5.

@antp: Please do not forget to raise version number on change ;)

Posted: 2009-01-17 20:54:31
by antp
Thanks ;)