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images failed loading

Posted: 2008-12-28 12:13:40
by xyncro

i recently moved my ant catalog to another computer and was about to load the .xml file from the backup but didn't get any images to load with the db file...

i even tryed to load the .amc file, but with no success...

am i doing something wrong or is there a setting for this..??
i wouldn't like to 'add' all 2000+ images to each and every movie all over again..??? :badidea:

thx for a great software..

Posted: 2008-12-28 12:25:10
by bad4u
Did you copy all external pictures to the same folder as the XML file ? If so you might have not used relative paths for pictures on AMC preferences. Open the catalog and click on the empty space where a picture should be, so that AMC tries to open the file and shows you a message where it is searching for the picture (if it does not find it). If it is searching on a wrong path or folder this might be fixed easily with a short script.

Posted: 2008-12-28 12:39:34
by xyncro
...ahhh :grinking:

thank you so very much..
as you said, i had to have the db file together with the images to make it work..

you saved me a whooooole lot of trouble now..

thx again :wink: