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Posted: 2008-11-19 14:57:31
by gerol

you must change the following lines:


Code: Select all

LineNr :=Findline('', Page, 0);

Code: Select all

LineNr :=Findline('', Page, 0);

and from:

Code: Select all

TempPos := Pos('">producer</a>', Line);

Code: Select all

TempPos := Pos('">Produzent  <', Line);

Posted: 2008-11-20 08:53:04
by JoeSilver
Thank You gerol!
That was very fast and worked well!
Could you perhaps tell me also, how to make the script collect the "country" and the "user ranking"?

greez, JS

Posted: 2008-11-20 17:20:52
by gerol
My Script collects the country and the user ranking.
I have my whole Script uploaded on (I believe, there exist different versions.).

The download-link is: ... 9.ifs.html


Posted: 2008-11-20 20:54:33
by antp
The script on my server seems to be a newer one :??: (more recent version, and has an option which yours does not have)

Posted: 2008-11-20 22:23:08
by bad4u
Seems gerol started his bugfixing from another script version. I added his bugfixes inclusive country, rating and language to last script version from AMC server (1.4.0), so that it gives same results now, while option ActorsLayout doesn't get lost for users eventually using it.

OFDb - IMDb 1.4.1: ... 8DE%29.ifs (do NOT click on it, copy link into a NEW browser window !)

@gerol: Your updates on the script are very welcome, but it would be nice if you could start with the version above for the next time (including the ActorsLayout option). Feel free to change whatever needs to be changed, as I'm glad if I do not need to find time for bugfixing that script, too ;)

PS: I added your name to the editors list on the script.

Posted: 2008-11-21 11:02:08
by JoeSilver
Thanx very much guys!

Works very well.

Indeed i was a little confused concerning the version numbers, but this seems also been fixed now ;)

Great work from you all here! Thanx a lot!

Greez, JS

Posted: 2008-11-21 16:28:57
by gerol
@antp & bad4U
My bugfixes depend all on a very old version of the script (1.3). I wrote all my bugfixes in the last years for this version (and didn't download a new one from this site).
Now I'm using the version 1.4.1 from the link above and will try to make the next bugfixes for this version.


Posted: 2008-11-22 10:38:21
by bad4u