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Removing a Category or Categories From Drop Down

Posted: 2008-10-29 17:34:21
by bg334
Is there a way to remove unused/old/defunct categories from the drop down menu in the category field? I have old categories that still appear in the drop down menu, but are not used in my catalog and do not appear when you sort by category. I'd just like to remove the typos/clutter from the category drop down menu if possible.

Thanks in advance!

Posted: 2008-10-29 20:42:55
by bad4u
As far as I know a category on the drop down list should disappear if it is not longer associated to any film. To be sure you did not oversee any film, group your films on categories to check that easily. If the category still does not disappear check Preferences -> Drop-down lists -> Categories if you have defined any default categories there.


Posted: 2008-10-29 22:35:34
by bg334
Unchecking and checking the "use values of current catalog" box seems to have remedied the problem and removed the old values that were no longer being used. Thanks much for your help.

Posted: 2009-03-23 09:42:11
by lsstan
Another way to modify the drop-down lists is to edit:
C:\Program Files\Ant Movie Catalog\prefs.xml

Make a backup of the file before editing.

After editing, the next time you launch AMC, the rows you removed from prefs.xml will be gone.

Posted: 2009-03-23 10:26:09
by antp
You can edit the list from within the program's preferences window, it is easier :D

Posted: 2012-03-20 07:26:03
by maxand
Hi this is my first post here.

First I'd like to say what a great little program AMC is! It does exactly what I was looking for. :)

I too was looking for a way to edit/remove categories so am glad I found this post. I'd just like to add a couple of things:
Unchecking and checking the "use values of current catalog" box seems to have remedied the problem and removed the old values that were no longer being used. Thanks much for your help.
That works well, thanks.
Another way to modify the drop-down lists is to edit C:\Program Files\Ant Movie Catalog\prefs.xml
When I examined this file (using a Notepad-like text editor) I did not see any categories listed. This was because I had been using AMC "out of the box" with sample.amc. In the default settings, Preferences > Movie Information > Drop-down lists > Options for list: > Category > Automatically use values that are not in list was unchecked, so no categories had been added to this .xml file. Instead, Use values of current catalog instead of predefined list was the default setting.
You can edit the list from within the program's preferences window, it is easier
It took me a long time to find out where to do this, but follow the path in the previous paragraph and you will get there - you must remember to click the arrow next to Options for list: > Media Type to find Category, uncheck Use values of current catalog instead of predefined list, check Automatically use values that are not in list, then try adding categories to the list window when text entry is at last enabled!

Once I played around with these settings it all became clear. Essential to save the original preferences file (prefs.xml) before experimenting with it.

Again, a big thanks for this neat little app.