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I need regular expression

Posted: 2024-01-28 18:52:06
by fulvio53s03
Ho bisogno di una espressione regolare per cambiare una serie di titoli tradotti da:
serie telefilm (st. 1 h264) mio 10ep
serie telefilm (prima stagione)
Come posso fare?

I need a regular expression to change a series of translated titles from:
serie telefilm (st. 1 h264) mio 10ep
serie telefilm (prima stagione)
How can I do it?
Thank you!

Re: I need regular expression

Posted: 2024-02-24 15:06:39
by cosanostra
Jeśli chodzi Ci o zmianę nazw kilkudziesięciu plików to najprościej dal Ciebie będzie uźyć programu totalcommander i tam zanaleść "Narzędzie wielokrotnej zmiany" (CTRL+M)

A jeśli dodajesz pojedyńczo do swojej bazy danych programu AMC to w ustawieniach programu masz w opcjach (Preferencje - F10) tam po lewo znajź napis
"Film / Dodatkowe informacje" i dwa pola niżej "Import plików multimedialnych" wtedy po prawej kliknij przycisk "Filtrój nazwę pliku"
W nowo otwartym oknie będziesz mógł dodać własne regóły nazw plików.

If you want to change the names of several dozen files, the easiest way for you will be to use the totalcommander program and find the "Multiple rename tool" there (CTRL + M)

And if you add the AMC program individually to your database, in the program settings you can find the inscription in the options (Preferences - F10) on the left.
"Movie / Additional information" and two fields below "Import media files" then on the right click the "Filter file name" button
In the newly opened window you will be able to add your own filename rules.

Re: I need regular expression

Posted: 2024-02-25 15:49:32
by antp
fulvio53s03 wrote: 2024-01-28 18:52:06 I need a regular expression to change a series of translated titles from:
serie telefilm (st. 1 h264) mio 10ep
serie telefilm (prima stagione)
How can I do it?
It seems I missed your post, sorry.
Assuming you want to keep what is before the parenthesis, in case you still need it, the following regular expression could be used:
(.+) \(.+
And using "$1 (prima stagione)" as replacement.

Re: I need regular expression

Posted: 2024-02-26 06:20:35
by fulvio53s03
Thanks, it is perfect. :)
It seems to me that there are various types of encoding for regular expressions.
Where can I find a guide with examples to use them in AMC scripts?

Re: I need regular expression

Posted: 2024-03-02 15:56:30
by antp
Normally those used in AMC are quite standard.
If you combine the info provided in "Technical info for scripts" in the Help file and some basic guides for regular expressions, you should be able to get it working easily :)

Re: I need regular expression

Posted: 2024-03-02 23:19:52
by fulvio53s03
Do you think that this site and its page:
could be a good starting point?
:??: :grinking:

Re: I need regular expression

Posted: 2024-03-04 10:46:35
by antp
Probably, yes, I think I already passed by that one when searching specific info.
Otherwise what is often useful also is what you find by searching regex cheat sheet, you have a condensed version of all characters that can be used. But you need already a basic knowledge of how they work.

Re: I need regular expression

Posted: 2024-03-25 17:46:26
by boristhecat
I use a program called Renamer Lite, free from
It utilises regex to batch rename files.
Fast and accurate and brilliant

Re: I need regular expression

Posted: 2024-03-25 20:08:22
by fulvio53s03
boristhecat wrote: 2024-03-25 17:46:26 I use a program called Renamer Lite, free from
I don't need to rename files but to "change" strings (even field "File Path") inside a movie in AMc catalog.
To rename files there is also Ant Renamer.
Thanks anyway. :)

Re: I need regular expression

Posted: 2024-03-25 21:12:22
by boristhecat
Aha I misunderstood sorry :)