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[Request] Merging AMC Databases

Posted: 2008-09-26 08:49:27
by mikel

I would like to have a feature allowing me to merge databases into one.
The import function can be used for that, but I have to manually select the movies I do not want.
Optimally, all dublicate movies would not be imported.
The reason is, that i maintain a AMC Database for each of my Harddrives.
Beside that I also maintain a global database.

The merge function would server well to syncronize those databases.
I have used the search funnction and seen that this feature was requested some time ago.

Would that be something worth to be implemented into AMC?

Cheers, Mikel

Re: [Request] Merging AMC Databases

Posted: 2008-09-26 09:49:03
by antp
mikel wrote: Would that be something worth to be implemented into AMC?
Probably, yes, but there are already lots of features to add, and I really do not often work on that (nearly never actually).

Posted: 2008-09-26 12:58:57
by mikel
Thanks for the quick reply.

I understand that you lack the time to add more feature to the program.
If you do not have the time, would it be possible for other programmers to do that?
Maybe it could also be implemented into some of the mods out there.

I hope you will find the time and passion at some point to continue the project.
There seems to be a growing interest in a good movie collector software, since more and more hardware jukeboxe are beeing developed.
I used to have a PC for a long time but now I use a Popcorn hour.
Other software out there like Movie Collector is not a real alternative since file support is very limited.

Best, mikel

Posted: 2008-09-27 12:59:35
by antp
Sure, other people can do mods. There is already someone who added few features:

And also a game catalog:

I think that one of the only way for AMC to really evolve a lot is if I win to the lottery and so do not have to work all day :D

Posted: 2009-01-05 12:58:28
by Melmoth
I don't know if it helps, but I do a lot of work on my movie list in Excel. It can mark and erase duplicates... just merge several CSVs, sort, mark/delete and reimport into AMC - voilĂ !