AMC and Networked Media Tank (NMT) + Llink Media Player

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AMC and Networked Media Tank (NMT) + Llink Media Player

Post by bad4u »

For users of NMT devices* or other interested users : There seems to be a possibility to export the AMC database to use it for a media player/jukebox program on these devices through a phyton script. I do not have such a device and can't help on any questions, but I thought it might be of interest to others..

More info on the phyton script: ... p?tid=8158

More info on Llink Media Player:

More info on Networked Media Tank devices:

As of September 17, 2008, there are six companies providing NMT players based on the Syabas design.

1. Popcorn Hour A-100, A-110, and B-110
2. HDX 900 and 1000
3. IstarHD Mini NMT
4. Egreat EG-M31A/B
5. CMI Group HDP001
6. Elektron EHP-600 and 606
(quoted from NMTWiki)
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Post by Wotan »

There are people using amc with wdtv as well. I assume in order for your movie list to work, you would need to have the location of the file in the url field? Would it be possible to have the location of a file to go in the source field?
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Joined: 2006-12-11 22:54:46

Post by bad4u »

Wotan wrote:I assume in order for your movie list to work, you would need to have the location of the file in the url field? Would it be possible to have the location of a file to go in the source field?
You mean moving the contents of URL field to another field (e.g. source field) ? This could be done with a simple script, but on source field you cannot open links (or linked files) from within AMC then.
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Post by Wotan »

Yes i meant move the contents of url to source field. How do you open a file within AMC? :??: I didnt know you could do that! Or do you mean it wouldnt work to use the exported amc db?
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Post by bad4u »

Moving content of URL field to source field can be done with a simple script:

Code: Select all

program URL2source;
  SetField(fieldSource, GetField(fieldURL));  
  SetField(fieldURL, '');
First line copies content to field source, second line deletes field URL then. It might be neccessary to enable "Allow to clear fields" on the script execution options (see scripting window, upper right corner I guess). I recommend making a backup of your catalog files before you run any script that modifies the catalog.

To open a movie file from within AMC, you need a local file linked on field URL. On the right side of this field there is a dropdown list, choose "Open URL", it will open the linked default application (e.g. movieplayer) and load the file (same as it does on windows explorer).
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Joined: 2007-12-26 23:09:41

Post by Wotan »

thanks a lot :grinking:
Posts: 1148
Joined: 2006-12-11 22:54:46

Post by bad4u »

Hmm.. it might be safer to put these two lines into separate scripts. Else, if you accidentaly run the script twice, it will delete both fields (on the second run it copies the empty URL field) :/

Or at least check for an empty URL line before copying:

Code: Select all

program URL2source;
  if GetField(fieldURL) <> '' then
    SetField(fieldSource, GetField(fieldURL)); 
  SetField(fieldURL, '');
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