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Feature request: allow silent comman line operations

Posted: 2023-09-25 08:48:02
by rs232
I have a couple of scripts I call via context menu that look like this to give an example:

Code: Select all

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\AntRename 1 - simple\command]
@="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Ant Renamer\\renamer.exe  -b c:\\directory_rename.arb -aF %1 -g -x"
Now, this opens briefly the GUI to execute the script to then close the GUI. Overall it's a relatively fast process however I would consider an improvement allowing for an additional parameter to renamer.exe e.g. -q or something that allows to execute the script without opening the GUI at all.

my 2 cents

Re: Feature request: allow silent comman line operations

Posted: 2023-09-26 07:07:04
by antp
Maybe hiding the window is possible, I would have to check.
I don't know when I'll do an update, and the to-do list for the next update(s) is becoming longer and longer :D

Re: Feature request: allow silent comman line operations

Posted: 2024-02-03 16:48:15
by pope5
I would also appreciaiate to have such a command line option like -q (for -quiet) to suppress any output to the screen.

Thank you.