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Which mod allows to add personal rating?
Posted: 2008-06-25 12:28:51
by jollyb
i use extreme movie manager, but also like the portable version of AMC. but i can't import my personal ratings i have in EMM.
is there any way to import or manually enter my personal rating in AMC?
Posted: 2008-06-25 13:36:35
by bad4u
You do not need a mod for that, you can easily import your personal rating into AMC. When you open import for XMM and have chosen "Try to assign fields to columns automatically" you need to free a field you do not need on import, before you can use it for personal rating import.
Click on the header of a column that you do not need to import, e.g. "Number of disks" (scroll the import frame to the right side) and then choose "Do not import that field". Now you can sroll back to the personal rating column (the one right behind the "Rating" column), click on it's header and assign the free field for importation. Your personal rating will now be imported to the field "Number of disks" (you can rename that field on AMC's language file if you like).
If you do not use "Try to assign.." you just need to assign a free field to the personal rating column..
Posted: 2008-06-25 14:12:51
by jollyb
ok. i found a way to swap "Media Type" with My Rating. but where need i to enter My Rating instead of Media Type in the language file?
like here in the screenshot, i want instead of Media Type to be My rating

Posted: 2008-06-25 14:39:00
by bad4u
In the Languages folder of your AMC installation open the file English.lng with a text editor (make a backup if you like) and search for these lines:
Code: Select all
;* Frames *
LMedia.Caption=Media Label:
LMediaType.Caption=Media Type:
They appear right at the end of the file. Change
LMediaType.Caption=Media Type: to
LMediaType.Caption=Personal Rating:
That's all. If it does not appear on AMC you might be using the wrong language file, choose the correct language file from Tools->Languages menu (English (for translations)).
Posted: 2008-06-25 14:50:16
by jollyb
Thank you
very much. that solved it.
p.s. this option (personal rating) should in the first place come in AMC

BIG thanks to the creator of the prog.