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[REL] [EN,DE,FR] Script for books on Amazon (AmazonBooks)

Posted: 2008-03-16 17:08:21
by bad4u
Note: Sorry, but this AmazonBooks script is no longer available/working ! (04.2012)

Finally it is done. Here's the first 'official' version of AmazonBooks script. As you can guess, it searches and imports informations about books from amazon. You can search for title or ISBN10/13.

AmazonBooks 1.0.0: (copy link into a NEW browser window !)

It features all local amazon versions on .com/.de/.fr/ and is a completely rewritten script that is based on TheMikes' AmazonWS script. Using amazons' API it is very reliable and should still work when websites' layout changes. And as a side effect it is very fast ..

To use this script you should download Melmoths' Language File for books and copy it into your Ant Movie Catalog languages folder (or use a new AMC installation for your books). Now you can choose "English Books" as new language from within AMC.

Please let me know if you find any bugs (name the amazon version and the book title). Thanks.


Ihr findet hier die erste 'offizielle' Version des AmazonBooks Skript. Mit diesem Skript ist es möglich auf Amazon nach Titeln und ISBN10/13 Nummern zu suchen und Informationen dazu herunterzuladen.

AmazonBooks 1.0.0: (den Link unbedingt in ein NEUES Browserfenster kopieren, NICHT anklicken !)

Das Skript unterstützt ALLE lokalisierten Amazonversionen unter .com/.de/.fr/ und basiert auf TheMikes' AmazonWS script. Da es Amazons Webservices API benutzt anstatt die Artikelseiten zu analysieren, ist es sehr zuverlässig und sollte auch nach Änderungen an der Webseite weiter funktionieren. Nebenbei sollte es dadurch auch ziemlich flott sein, da keine unnötigen Bilder und Grafiken geladen werden müssen..

Um das Skript sinnvoll zu nutzen sollte Melmoths' Language File für Bücher heruntergeladen und in den Ant Movie Catalog Languages Ordner kopiert werden (oder einfach eine neue AMC Installation für die Bücher benutzt werden). Danach steht unter 'Sprache' die Auswahl 'English Books' innerhalb von AMC zur Verfügung. Andere Sprachen für die Oberfläche werden vielleicht noch folgen, die heruntergeladenen Informationen sind allerdings auch so immer in der ausgewählten Landessprache (Option 'AmazonVersion') verfügbar !

Fehler bitte hier im Forum melden (mit Angabe des Titels und der benutzten Amazon Version). Danke !

Posted: 2008-04-06 19:33:56
by bad4u
AmazonBooks 1.1.0: (copy link into a NEW browser window !)

- added support for different .lng file modifications (Melmoth: EN, Eyael: EN/FR), other can be added easily
- small bugfix, on some titles script got stuck and results list didn't show

Posted: 2008-09-07 08:32:12
by Mouseglove

I have a bug with you script, it says "Script error in "Amazonbooks" : unit is not found at line 23.

For information i copied AMC (version 3.5.1) directory and renamed it AB(ook)C, deleted unnecessary files (following the Eyael's help file), took the Eyael's langage file i found in his new template (french version), and, of course, your script, version 1.1.0.

I didn't forget to switch the LanguageFileSupport in the options, and tried both AmazonVersion 0 and 5.

I tried with the book Dune which has the same name in english and french :)

I also tried to ignore lines 22 and 23, and had another error : ­­« Script error in "Amazonbooks" : unknown identifier : FINDLINE at line 56 ». But this error may be caused by ignoring lines 22 and 23.

Posted: 2008-09-07 09:41:35
by bad4u

The amazonbooks script (as many others) needs the StringUtils1.pas unit in your scripts folder. Seems you deleted it with some other scripts. You can download it again from or take the one from your AMC installation. ;)

But there is another bug on the script, as I did not update it together with the amazonWS movie script a couple of weeks ago. Did just forget about it and noone mentioned it yet. I'll update it today.

Posted: 2008-09-07 10:11:43
by Mouseglove
Thanks, you were right, I deleted all the scripts folder :D

Error repaired, seems that the script works know, but i don't get any information, i assume i'll have to wait for the update. If not, that's another bug, if yes, don't bother replying to me :)

Posted: 2008-09-07 11:42:55
by bad4u
AmazonBooks 1.2.0: (copy link into a NEW browser window !)

I fixed the handling of itemURL following the AmazonWSPro movie script and added some more functionality (the 'Find more' button leads to the next results pages for all local amazon versions now, so that you will get more than 10 results only + a counter for results).

I hope I did not invent new bugs with this update ;)

Posted: 2010-01-08 08:23:47
by gjnaus
When I tried to download AmazinBooks.ifs I got the following error.

We have detected a hotlinking error. Hotlinking is when you link to images or NON html files on from another host. Hotlinking is not allowed for our FREE Accounts. Hotlinking is allowed for our paid accounts. Your account can be upgraded in the user section when you have logged in.

I tried to find the scrip ton the scripts page and in the archive but could not find it there.

Is there somewhere I can get this script?


Posted: 2010-01-08 15:04:59
by bad4u
As said behind the download link: Copy link into a NEW browser window. You cannot click on the link in that case, you have to open a new window and paste or type the link then.

But the script is quite old, I don't know (and cannot test now) if it's still working or needs an update.

Posted: 2010-01-08 21:29:11
by gjnaus
I tried that by right clicking on the link and opening in a new window. I also tried downloading with my download manager and that only got the same page as a file. I tried again following your instructions implicitly and bypassed my download manager and there it is. :)

But it gives me a Http/1.1 400 bad request :(

So if you can I would appreciate it a lot if you have a quick look so that I can get it running again. Otherwise I am going to get into a lot of trouble from my wife as I learn to program instead of doing the things around the house that she needs done. We have just moved and all the books are in boxes and I found AMC and mods and wanted to use this opportunity to catalog all our books as well as CD's while we are unpacking.


Posted: 2010-01-08 21:59:25
by bad4u
I'll have a look on it tomorrow, but I can't promise to fix it if it needs a complete workover, only if it's some minor changes.

Maybe booktome would be an alternative for you ? It's free, too, though it's not as flexible and open for own scripts as AMC is. But it supports all Amazon locales and is well supported by another nice guy.

Posted: 2010-01-09 15:18:10
by bad4u
It's not possible to update this script for AMC anymore. I forgot that I used Amazon's API for this script, which unfortunately needs authentication since few month.

Posted: 2012-03-31 10:49:25
by JCSullivan
Hi everyone - I know this is an old thread and hence this suggestion:

Close topic and modify original post to indicate that the script is not working and no longer supported.

Damn, I thought I hit gold until the thing didn't work.