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Direct link to the (DiVx) file

Posted: 2008-02-25 21:46:07
by Pascal34
Excuse me for my poor english...
Thank's to the comunity for this great job, particullary to Ant'.

In severall other projects there is a link to play the video file. We can see it on the great "Ant Movie Catalog Viewer" but it doesn't works. How to configure it?
Is it possible to create this function in "Ant Movie Catalog"?

I'm not a "pro-coder" ;) but i can understand what you are talking loud about!! :hihi:

Thank's again

Pascal (from south of France)

Posted: 2008-02-25 23:03:31
by antp
I guess that these use the url/addres field? You can store there the path to the file, e.g. using the button on the right of the field to select it. There is also an option to store the path when importing file info.


Je suppose qu'ils utilisent le champ "adresse web"? On peut stocker là dedans le chemin du fichier, par exemple en utilisant le bouton à droite du champ pour le sélectionner. Il y a aussi une option pour stocker le chemin lors de l'importation des infos du fichier.