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Suggestion: Catalog avi file -> framerate, resolution, et

Posted: 2008-01-29 09:05:01
by fuso
First, Congratulations for the great job that you made.
Then I would like to suggest one thing..
Can you include in some future version, an option to "import" a *.avi file properties, such as Video Format, Framerate, Resolution, file size, etc?
So, what I suggest is something like a catalog file. It helps to fill some fields. ;)

Posted: 2008-01-29 12:25:16
by bad4u
AMC imports avi file properties like resolution, file size, video format or framerate - you just need to drag and drop a file into AMC or hit F7 to import a specific file.

On "Preferences -> Movie information -> Media Files Importation" you can change some import preferences.

Posted: 2008-01-29 13:15:33
by fuso
:grinking: Hey... Thanks a lot!!! : P