IMDB not adding detailed comments (+LARGE image)

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Joined: 2005-08-09 07:18:18

IMDB not adding detailed comments (+LARGE image)

Post by dante »

I haven't been using Ant Movie Catalog for over a year, since I was away from my movie collection. I've tried reusing it now, but I've noticed something. I'm using version 3.19 of the imdb script, but if I choose to import the 10 first comments, I get no comments at all. Nevertheless, if I choose to add a single comments, it adds it..

And something else, cause I don't want to start a new topic just for this. I was using the IMP scripts to import nice and large posters. But now it's not giving any search results, no matter which movie I choose. Can anyone recommend any script for large movie posters?? Thanks
Posts: 1148
Joined: 2006-12-11 22:54:46

Post by bad4u »

Hi. Latest IMDB script is version 3.22.
You can get it from or use the "UPDATE_SCRIPTS" script from inside AMC (it detects/shows/downloads latest and missing scripts or gives you the possibility to "auto-update" all scripts at once).

Don't know about the IMP script, but if it seems broken, you should leave a message on "Scripts that need to be fixed" ( viewtopic.php?t=2493&start=180 ), maybe someone finds a solution for it.
Posts: 12
Joined: 2005-08-09 07:18:18

Post by dante »

Hello.. Thanks for the update info. I did try the "update scripts", I probably missed the new imdb script..

I did see the IMP script in the "to be fixed" list, I was hoping for someone to point me to another script with large and nice movie posters..
Posts: 1148
Joined: 2006-12-11 22:54:46

Post by bad4u »

The IMP Awards script has not been updated for 2,5 years.. seems they did some major changes on their search function and now use Google instead of an internal search engine.

I modificated the Google search that I used on IMDB script to support IMP Awards page. A new IMP Awards script (v.2.0) has been sent to antp and will be available on scripts update folder soon. Please report if there are still problems with the script, I only did some short tests ;)
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