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Multiply result

Posted: 2007-10-21 21:37:53
by sweborn
How multiply i the result value of a customer rating. I want the result showing the double sum. The reason is that discshop's ( ratings are between 1 and 5 and in AMC is the highest value 10.

Code: Select all

// Rating
  if CanSetField(fieldRating) then
    Value := TextBetween(PageText, 'Kundbetyg:', '<br>');
    Value := TextBetween(Value , '<b>', '</b>');
    SetField(fieldRating, Value);

Posted: 2007-10-21 22:04:43
by sweborn
I found the solution.

Code: Select all

// Rating
  if CanSetField(fieldRating) then
    Value := TextBetween(PageText, 'Kundbetyg:', '<br>');
    Value := TextBetween(Value , '<b>', '</b>');
    SetField(fieldRating, FloatToStr(StrToFloat(Value)*2));