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Importing Movie Cover photos

Posted: 2007-10-21 11:43:08
by goldy86911
Please excuse my lack of knowledge using this program.
I just imported my movie database from dvd profiler. None of the movie photos(Cover art) was imported with the data.
I've been adding the photos one at a time it's very time consuming.
Is there another way to get all of these photos?

Posted: 2007-10-21 11:56:40
by bad4u
Hi. Did you have your pictures in the correct folder ?

DVD profiler importation: export the catalog to xml and put the pictures in same folder as that xml file.

( Found: viewtopic.php?t=3325&start=0 )

Xml photo import

Posted: 2007-10-22 12:00:57
by goldy86911
I just imported the Xml data ? I don't think there is a seperate folder in Dvd Profiler for the cover art. If there is I don't know where it is.

Posted: 2007-10-22 18:18:46
by antp
Images are stored somewhere in a folder. The friend for who I made this DVDprofiler importation said me that there was an "image" folder containing all the JPEGs of covers. He could import successfully his list after having copied the contents of that "images" folder to the same folder as the XML file.