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Importing MCE Mymovies database ?

Posted: 2007-10-08 11:50:35
by PierreLo
Hi all,

I am migrating from Media Center 2005 to media portal, and I suer would like to use AMC as my movie collection manager from now on.

Problem is I already setup about 1000 titles in the MCE plugin called My Movies, and I wouldn't like to do it all over again in AMC. Do you know if there is any import script existing that would convert the Mymovie sdatabase to a valid AMC database ?

Thanks a lot for your help.

PierreLo :cool:

Posted: 2007-10-08 14:03:00
by antp
What kind of databases does MCE use?
Maybe there is an export function in it? If you can export to CSV, text or Excel you should be able to import your list in AMC.

Posted: 2007-10-09 07:25:44
by PierreLo

Thanks for the reply.
In Ant, I could import the my movies mdb file, defining what each column means. But some of the original columns contain numbers, so it is difficult to match them with fields in the original database. For example, support type (DVD, Blue Ray, Hd-DVD) will probably be a number like -1, 0, 1. There are plenty of such fields, so it's hard to know which number means which field.

I was hopinfg someone would alrezdy have pulled his own hair out on this issue so I don't have to do it myself :hihi:

For the moment I can get the movie title, original title, description, director, year, duration alright, but I also assigned categories (like genres) in my movies, and I can't figure out how to get them in AMC (one movie belonging to several categories sometimes)

Anyway, thanks for the answer. If nybody ever tried this, just express yourselves :cool:


Posted: 2007-10-09 16:48:14
by antp
What were the table names listed in this database? Was there only one table with the movies or also other tables with other info? Maybe it is possible to make a proper importation.
Else I could add MCE as one of the import format to add some conversion (i.e replacing numbers by corresponding text) but I would have to know what they mean for that :D

Posted: 2007-10-10 09:33:32
by PierreLo
Hi antp,

Thanks for answering.

I checked themy movies DB, aparently you have a main table called tbtitles, containing "identifiable" fields like:

Translated title,
Original title,
Description ,
Collection number.

For pictures (coverart), there is a weird field like 02bdf456f-345w3, which in fact is the name of the file that contains the cover, as created in the my movie database folder (02bdf456f-345w3.jpg).

For the other fields I didn't try to check what they mean by changing values manually and look in the collection management program what happened, didn't wat to ruin my database (took afew months to build it...)

Regarding other tables, there is a Category table ,and a table that links several categories numbers to each movie number.
For the other ones, I don't know what they mean (probably not useful as far as I am concerned)

PierreLo :cool:

Posted: 2007-10-10 11:48:12
by antp
You can eventually send me an example dabatase, but if you import all the data as they are currently you can easily replace values by others using scripts.
For example if you want to replace all the "1" in "media type" by "DVD":

Code: Select all

program NewScript;
  s: string;
  s := GetField(fieldMediaType);
  if s = '1' then
    SetField(fieldMediaType, 'DVD');

Posted: 2007-10-10 14:52:53
by PierreLo
Thanks antp.

I don't want to bother you with this. I'll see what I can do with a script, but I'm not sure I'll go very far in this direction: Might be faster for me to manually fill missing fields once the basic import is done ;-)

I'll see how it goes.

Thanks for your help

PierreLo :cool: