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Peticion Script

Posted: 2007-10-01 18:32:16
by kikojv
Hola buenas,
Hay alguien que pudiera hacer un script de la pagina
Estaria muy agradecido.
Y por otro lado, como se hace para meter nuevos Scripts en el programa???
Gracias de antemano y saludos

Posted: 2007-10-01 20:17:31
by antp
Sorry but I only understand English and French (in case that you ask a question, which what I guess in the second part of your message...)

Posted: 2007-10-01 21:00:00
by bad4u

Free translator for hispanic to english ("Spanisch ins Englische"), german to english or french (and some more into german) . Just copy/paste the whole text or an URL to be translated. Far away from a perfect translation, but gives a good idea of what someone is talking about. Just in case you want to know what's going on ;)

Posted: 2007-10-01 23:15:02
by antp
I usually use altavista/voila for that but I was lazy :D (and anyway my reply would be in English...)

Posted: 2007-10-02 00:01:19
by bad4u
antp wrote:.. but I was lazy :D
Yeah, I was pretty sure about that, but I couldn't resist.. :hihi: