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New Script [SE:LoveFilm]
Posted: 2007-09-30 20:21:54
by MrKalle76
I made a Script for Love film.
BR Kalle
Posted: 2007-10-02 18:39:25
by u28151
Hi Kalle!
Where is your script? Will it be made available for script update through Movie Catalog application or can we download it from somewhere?
Posted: 2007-10-02 20:39:43
by antp
He asked me by e-mail how to send the script but I haven't got any reply yet

Posted: 2007-10-03 06:47:44
by MrKalle76
I will send it tonight...
*Was planning to make a review and clean the code...
BR Kalle
Posted: 2007-10-03 20:48:47
by antp
Here is the file, thanks for it (right click, save target - can also be downloaded using scripts update script)