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Folder renaming bug

Posted: 2023-01-06 12:42:18
by CodeKiller

I don't why but this kiund of renaming is totally buged :
Search foor a space
Replace it with _
Exemple of folder :

Will be renamed to : Portail_PLM_1.01.03_PRD.03_PRD


I just replace 1 char with anonther. Why do I get this result ?

I understand it is a folder but I don't see why it should give any difficulties...


Re: Folder renaming bug

Posted: 2023-01-06 13:24:33
by antp
Indeed it is weird... It is possible that I already had it written down somewhere, I should fix that.
I suppose it is due to the multiple "." in the folder name.
Not that if you enable the option to include extension in the search, the bug does not occur.
Depending on the conventions, the last "." delimits the extension in folders, or folders do not have extensions, it seems that here I mixed the two :D I should clean that some day.

edit: indeed, it was reported before: ... 680#p44680
It occurs only on folders, not on files
I really should fix that :/