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sort function for template

Posted: 2003-01-13 07:55:14
by luckybigpack
I have a question concerning the Templates. I used Willspo's Template and it was great with the sorting and the search function, but it took about 15 min to load over the internet... :(
Now I'm using another Template which doesn't have these features... Is there a possibility to include at least the sort-function in the Template?
Could anybody post the code?

Posted: 2005-05-29 17:09:32
by DeXeS
I would like to know that code to.. I tried to figure out how other templates did it but without any succes :(

Posted: 2005-05-29 17:29:35
by Guest
i think i figured it out...
make sort function a new exported list. make on each list a link to the other lists.
ofcorse each html page needs to be sorted by a different thing. do this when you export a list.. you see when you go to the export screen, left-down a drop down menu, select advandced en then select the function witch you want to sort by...

don't know if you understand it because im not realy a good explainer :lol:

does anyone knows how to sort it not like 1,2,3,4,5 but like 5,4,3,2,1 in the 'sort by' in the export list?

Posted: 2005-05-29 17:36:02
by DeXeS
offcorse is the messege i posted before this one is a little bit time killing when you have a lot of catogory's witch you would like to sort.. maybe somebody knows a good script for sorting like in the template from twink.. but as i seth befor, i could not figure it out..