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CSV Import via Script?

Posted: 2007-05-21 12:36:04
by songofruth
I keep a list of movies on my PocketPC in miniExcel. This is a complete list of all the movies I have currently in AMC as well as recently recorded ones.

I'd like to merge this list with AMC but Not create duplicates.

From what I've read, I know that should be possible using a script.

However, I thought I would check first to see if anyone has already written such a script before I try to roll my own.

I would export the Excel to a CSV file. I have about 5 fields, with the 1st being the name of the movie. For each movie in AMC, the remaining 4 fields would be updated in AMC. For each movie not in AMC, a new movie entry - with all five fields - would be created.

So... anyone have anything like that?

Posted: 2007-05-21 20:30:42
by antp
I do not think that such script was already made.
One thing is currently impossible to do through script: creating new movies.
So your script can only do an update of existing movies. For each one, it has to search in the CSV file for the marching record.
In version 3.5.1 beta (see Comments section of the forum), the import was improved. For the final version I may add options to replace already existing movies rather than creating duplicates, but I do not know when I will have time for that.