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List of avaliable script functions?
Posted: 2007-04-02 04:59:33
by master5597
Is there a list of functions avaliable by ant scripts? including description and parametrs. For example SetField() what are all the possible parameters? (or constants in the case of SetField)
Thanks in advance.
Posted: 2007-04-02 10:43:53
by antp
All what is added to the default Delphi/Pascal functions is listed in the help file

(tech info -> scripts)
Posted: 2007-04-03 03:14:50
by master5597
thanks! (when in doubt rtfm) (GRIN)
since i'm new to Pascal and Delphi, is there somewhere i should start? i've already had some success re-writing a script, so i might be able to pick it up on my own. My background is C/C++ & Java, so this doesn't seem to bad.
thanks again for the quick response.
Posted: 2007-04-03 08:45:01
by antp
I do not really have any link/info to help for that, sorry
Posted: 2007-04-03 17:07:57
by bad4u
For learning/looking up Delphi functions and parameters, this site was
really helpful to me :