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import yourbestcatalog
Posted: 2007-03-20 23:13:26
by betina
Hi, I download this catalogue but I been using yourbestcatalog for a long time
I have 300 movies to import and I dont know how
could someone explain me how to do it?
Posted: 2007-03-21 01:08:52
by Albetra Boy
If your talking about from the net you:
start progam
at the top you will see a button that says ADD
click that button the first entry should apear, in the orginal title box type in the movie's name
hit F6 select where you want to get the info from click click again and info that you want should be d/l.
if its other this I can't help but I'm sure other people will be able to
Posted: 2007-03-21 09:44:34
by antp
Well, I suppse that he wants to import his current list, not recreate it by adding movies one by one
Does "yourbestcatalog" an export functionnality? If it allows to export to CSV/text you should be able to import that file in Ant Movie Catalog.
If it allows to export to Excel, you can save that file to CSV using Excel.
If the CSV Import of Ant Movie Catalog 3.5.0 is not enough, you may want to try the 3.5.1 beta, as I improved the import.