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folder context menu + cursor control ..
Posted: 2007-03-12 12:49:25
by pinkmoon
hi there,
am just looking at your app, having been using den4b's ReNamer for some time.
initially looks great, only surprised that i can't find an option to add the app to my folders' right-click list - is there any reason for this/could you easily add it ..?
also, in the main actions window, would have expected the ability to navigate up/down the list using cursor keys, rather than having to manually click back and forth etc. any thoughts ..?
cheers ..!

Posted: 2007-03-12 14:04:11
by antp
About the context menu, it is on my to-do list since some time, though that it can be easily be added by manually editing the registry (or added to the Send To menu by adding a shortcut in the "sendto" folder).
The only problem is that it will launch a new instance of the program, so for adding other files to the list of the opened window you have to use drag & drop rather than contextual menu.
When you select an option the first field on the option page is focused, I though that it was easier to use that way. So if you navigate in the list you have to it Shift+Tab each time to go back to the list. I agree that it is not really easy to use with keyboard.
Posted: 2007-03-12 15:06:06
by pinkmoon
not too major, but will probably wait until at least the context menu feature is in place to give it a proper run, so please add me to any update list!
cheers ..
Posted: 2007-03-12 17:10:05
by antp
It may take long time before it is added, so I suggest to still try to program with the send-to folder thing + the drag & drop

Posted: 2016-01-01 12:05:38
by Le Sage
Tout d'abord merci pour cet outil aussi utile qu'efficace !
Toujours pas de nouvelles au sujet de l'intégration dans le menu contextuel des dossiers/fichiers sélectionnés ?
Bien que ce soit loin d'être indispensable, ce serait un super atout-confort !
Merci d'avance !
Posted: 2016-01-01 15:34:50
by antp
Pas d'avancement là dedans pour le moment, non, désolé.
Mais ça reste sur la to-do list.
Posted: 2016-01-05 09:15:11
by Le Sage
Bon.. tant pis... (snif)
Merci quand même pour la réponse, et surtout pour l'outil !
Bonne continuation !