[REL] ConcatFields to concat filenames (for MyFilms plug)
Posted: 2007-01-29 12:42:51
This script will append Source fields (used to store filenames) with a ;
between each one. Mode 0 relies on Title field being named .01 .02 for entries to
be grouped, sorted & appended (edit script to customise). Mode 1 just blindly
concatenates all entries. NOTE script requires additional unit
avail from http://www.antp.be/temp/scripts/AutoUtils.pas
Title Source
Fight Club.01 e:\Fight Club.01.avi
Fight Club.02 e:\Fight Club.02.avi
Fight Club.03 e:\Fight Club.03.avi
Will Become
Fight Club (1) e:\Fight Club.01.avi
Fight Club (2) e:\Fight Club.02.avi;e:\Fight Club.01.avi
Fight Club (3) e:\Fight Club.02.avi;e:\Fight Club.01.avi;e:\Fight Club.03.avi
Mode0: The number in brackets appended to Title indicates the number of entries it
contains. So you can then just delete all entries with lower (n) values.
Ant presents items in number not alpha order so you can append many different
sets at once IF they are naturally grouped numerically, otherwise you should concat
one group at a time. Easy idea is to set Ant options to repeat same script, then select
group of items & hit F6 to concat.
Mode1: Simply appends ALL items selected in whatever order Ant sends them
Use this if you don't have items suitably named, but you'll have to then
check the files order and which records to delete yourself manually after
Written to allow use of MyFilms plugin for MediaPortal multiple filenames.
between each one. Mode 0 relies on Title field being named .01 .02 for entries to
be grouped, sorted & appended (edit script to customise). Mode 1 just blindly
concatenates all entries. NOTE script requires additional unit
avail from http://www.antp.be/temp/scripts/AutoUtils.pas
Title Source
Fight Club.01 e:\Fight Club.01.avi
Fight Club.02 e:\Fight Club.02.avi
Fight Club.03 e:\Fight Club.03.avi
Will Become
Fight Club (1) e:\Fight Club.01.avi
Fight Club (2) e:\Fight Club.02.avi;e:\Fight Club.01.avi
Fight Club (3) e:\Fight Club.02.avi;e:\Fight Club.01.avi;e:\Fight Club.03.avi
Mode0: The number in brackets appended to Title indicates the number of entries it
contains. So you can then just delete all entries with lower (n) values.
Ant presents items in number not alpha order so you can append many different
sets at once IF they are naturally grouped numerically, otherwise you should concat
one group at a time. Easy idea is to set Ant options to repeat same script, then select
group of items & hit F6 to concat.
Mode1: Simply appends ALL items selected in whatever order Ant sends them
Use this if you don't have items suitably named, but you'll have to then
check the files order and which records to delete yourself manually after
Written to allow use of MyFilms plugin for MediaPortal multiple filenames.
Code: Select all
Ant Movie Catalog importation script
Description=Sequentially append similar Source entries
Version=25 du 23/05/2005
Comments=This script will append Source fields (used to store filenames) with a ; |between each one. Mode 0 relies on Title field being named .01 .02 for entries to|be grouped, sorted & appended (edit script to customise). Mode 1 just blindly |concatenates all entries. NOTE script requires additional unit |avail from http://www.antp.be/temp/scripts/AutoUtils.pas| | Title Source|Fight Club.01 e:\Fight Club.01.avi|Fight Club.02 e:\Fight Club.02.avi|Fight Club.03 e:\Fight Club.03.avi|| Will Become||Fight Club (1) e:\Fight Club.01.avi|Fight Club (2) e:\Fight Club.02.avi;e:\Fight Club.01.avi|Fight Club (3) e:\Fight Club.02.avi;e:\Fight Club.01.avi;e:\Fight Club.03.avi||Mode0: The number in brackets appended to Title indicates the number of entries it |contains. So you can then just delete all entries with lower (n) values.|Ant presents items in number not alpha order so you can append many different |sets at once IF they are naturally grouped numerically, otherwise you should concat |one group at a time. Easy idea is to set Ant options to repeat same script, then select |group of items & hit F6 to concat.||Mode1: Simply appends ALL items selected in whatever order Ant sends them|Use this if you don't have items suitably named, but you'll have to then|check the files order and which records to delete yourself manually after|concat||Written to allow use of MyFilms plugin for MediaPortal multiple filenames.|
Mode=1|0|0=Use Title.01 format for proper sorting & multiple groups|1=Simple append of all items in order they come
program ConcatFields;
VersionScript = '29/11/2006';
NomScript = 'ConcatFields';
Mode: Integer;
FirstExec, BaseTitle, FileList: string;
arrayFiles : array of string;
procedure ConcatFiles();
Title, FileName: string;
CurBaseTitle: string;
i, cnt: integer;
Title := GetField(fieldOriginalTitle);
Filename := GetField(fieldSource);
CurBaseTitle := nposLeft('.', Title, 1, true); // Lost.1x01.Pilot.01 = Lost.1x01.Pilot
if (CurBaseTitle <> BaseTitle) then
BaseTitle := CurBaseTitle; //store new base title
for i := 0 to 15 do
arrayFiles[i] := '';
i := StrToInt(StrLeft(nposRight('.', Title, 1, true),2),0);
arrayFiles[i] := Filename;
cnt := 0;
Filename := '';
for i := 0 to 15 do
if (arrayFiles[i] <> '') then
if Filename <> '' then Filename := Filename + ';';
Filename := Filename + arrayFiles[i];
cnt := cnt + 1;
SetField(fieldOriginalTitle, CurBaseTitle + ' (' + IntToStr(cnt) + ')');
SetField(fieldSource, Filename);
SetField(fieldChecked, 'x')
procedure ConcatFiles2();
Title, FileName: string;
CurBaseTitle: string;
i, cnt: integer;
Filename := GetField(fieldSource);
if FileList <> '' then FileList := FileList + ';';
FileList := FileList + FileName;
SetField(fieldSource, FileList);
SetField(fieldChecked, 'x')
if CheckVersion(3,5,0) then
if FirstExec <> 'N' then
SetArrayLength(arrayFiles, 16);
Mode := (GetOption('Mode'));
if (Mode = 0) then
FirstExec := 'N';
end else
ShowMessage('This script requires a newer version of Ant Movie Catalog (at least the version 3.5.0)');