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[RU] Kinopoisk.RU - Script for Site

Posted: 2006-12-08 17:51:28
by Foss
[RU] Kinopoisk.RU - Script for Site
Autors: LAndrew
Version: 2.7 (28-Oct-2006)

Posted: 2006-12-08 18:55:20
by antp

Posted: 2006-12-09 01:12:07
by Foss
Le scenario sur a cesse de travailler
Malheureusement, le scenario ici non et en outre... Sur le site maintenant il y a une verification user-agent de browsers/programmes et s'il contient le ligne "AMC", le chargement n'est pas permis (ne est pas resolu).

Selon la reference plus bas vous trouverez MovieCatalog.exe, qui s'identifie comme FireFox - c'est pourquoi le scenario travaille.
The script on has ceased to work
Unfortunately, a script here not and... On a site now there is a check user-agent a browser/program and if it contains a line "AMC" downloading is not resolved.

Under the link below you will find a file MovieCatalog.exe which identifies itself as FireFox - therefore the script works.
ïåðåñòàë ðàáîòàòü ñêðèïò íà

ê ñîæàëåíèþ, ñêðèïò òóò íå ïðè÷åì... íà êèíîïîèñêå òåïåðü ñòàëè ïðîâåðÿòü user-agent áðàóçåðà/ïðîãðàììû è åñëè îíî ñîäåðæèò AMC, òî ñêà÷èâàíèå íå ðàçðåøåíî

ïî ññûëêå íèæå âû íàéäåòå MovieCatalog.exe, êîòîðûé èäåíòèôèöèðóåò ñåáÿ êàê FireFox - ïîòîìó ñêðèïò ðàáîòàåò.

Posted: 2006-12-11 16:01:56
by Foss
[RU] Kinopoisk.RU - Script for Site
Autors: LAndrew
Version: 2.71 (09-Dec-2006)

Posted: 2010-01-15 18:56:52
by Tutankhamon
[RU] Kinopoisk.RU
Autors: Tutankhamon
Version: 2.75.16 (15-Jan-2010)
download for Ant Movie Catalog 3.5.1

Posted: 2010-01-17 12:37:20
by antp

Posted: 2010-01-23 11:27:02
by Tutankhamon
[RU] Kinopoisk.RU
Autors: Tutankhamon
Version: 2.75.17 (23-Jan-2010)
* Re-upload of a large poster (pictures) of the film - at the site changed the display format
download for Ant Movie Catalog 3.5.1

Posted: 2010-01-24 13:21:24
by leviafan
Tutankhamon а етот скрипт будет работать с не модифицырованым запускным файлом? Или всеже придется качать мод. ехе файл для коректной работы?

Да, кстати спасибо за скрипт, очень нужная и практически не заменимая весчь для меня.

Posted: 2010-01-26 18:19:01
by Tutankhamon
leviafan wrote:Tutankhamon а етот скрипт будет работать с не модифицырованым запускным файлом? Или всеже придется качать мод. ехе файл для коректной работы?
Кинопоиск блокирует любые соединения в юзер-агенте которых будет написано "AMC". Другими словами нужен изменённый exe файл.
Скачать можно от сюда
Файл MovieCatalog.exe v3.5.1.2 для работы с

Posted: 2010-01-26 21:10:27
by antp
:??: what is said here above?

Posted: 2010-02-11 11:23:47
by Tutankhamon
[RU] Kinopoisk.RU
Autors: Tutankhamon
Version: 2.75.18 (11-Feb-2010)
* Changed algorithm for determining link to a page of the film, when a search found only one film - site changed the display format
* Refined parsing algorithm, the country's producer, director, producer, genre and time of the film (the script is not tied to any particular design)
download for Ant Movie Catalog 3.5.1

Posted: 2010-02-11 11:26:45
by Tutankhamon
antp wrote::??: what is said here above?
On a site now there is a check user-agent a browser/program and if it contains a line "AMC" downloading is not resolved.

Under the link below you will find a file MovieCatalog.exe which identifies itself as FireFox - therefore the script works.
File MovieCatalog.exe v3.5.1.2 to work with

Posted: 2010-02-15 08:55:15
by Tutankhamon
I would like to ask.
Why lost script from the directory?

Posted: 2010-02-15 11:48:59
by bad4u
If blocks AMC by user agent, you should respect their decision not to share their data with AMC users - at least antp has to do this. The script cannot be used with official version of AMC, so it was removed from update servers, I'd guess. For legal reasons I even recommend deleting the link to the patched AMC version from these forums.

Posted: 2010-02-16 20:07:55
by antp
Indeed, it is useless to include that script in AMC official release since it can be used with the official program.
I do not think it is a problem to provide the link here though... It gives a very small audience to the script compared as if it was included and working with the normal program.

Posted: 2010-02-18 13:52:26
by Tutankhamon
Thank you for your answers
We distribute the old-fashioned:)