Unused fields
Posted: 2006-11-10 21:29:56
When creating a new language file how do you remove the unused field areas in the user interface?
Interesting.... Where are these? In the source (looks like it), or somewhere where it can be modified without Delphi?antp wrote:Either by setting their "Visible" attribute to 0:
or by changing their coordinates, e.g.
Hm, neither of those two properties is mentioned in the help file, nor are they used in any of language files. Care to provide some more quick documentation on properties available for different types of UI elements? Perhaps there is a source file listing defaults?antp wrote:In the language files (*.lng files, in Language folder)
These are just text files that anyone can modify easily, no need of Delphi or any special tool.
Can you post source file with the current values? Also, perhaps a word or two on coordinates (unit, where is the origin...), especially as the all widgets resize when the screen is resized.antp wrote:There are lots of things, but most are not useful to modify.
Except left/top/width/height, caption/hint, I do not think that they have much interest.
Code: Select all
procedure TMovieFrame.FrameResize(Sender: TObject);
h: Integer;
h := EVideoFormat.Top - EDescription.Top - 6;
EDescription.Height := h div 2;
EComments.Top := EDescription.Top + EDescription.Height + 3;
EComments.Height := EDescription.Height + (h mod 2);
LComments.Top := EComments.Top + 4;