airplane_vn template:Thumbnail, sorting, filtering...(v0.72)
Posted: 2006-10-28 04:27:11
I built this template for myself. It is quite simple yet easy to install.Newer version 0.72 has come. Please view the latest reply.
But with all the features listed below, i hope you'll find it helpful in your case.
- Display:
-- Long List: Movies with image and details information
--Short List: Movies with main information only
-- Thumbnails : Images only
- Sort:
-- Sorting functions on all displayed fields
- Filter:
--Filter by Categories (support item with multi-categories separated by comma)
--Filter by Movie Types
--Filter by Movie Years [NEW]
--Search/Filter by Actor, Movie Name and Director [NEW]
- Others:
--Support movies with multi AVI files (will display a menu to play files)
--Click on Actor Name to filter Movies
--Support IE and Firefox
--Customizable columns to display
DOWNLOAD ... 2.rar.html
or ... n_072.html
-You can change the configuration variable on top of the html files to change the display type.
-- thbNumPic = 6; // number of pictures in a row when display thumbnails
-- thbPicSize = '120'; // pictures width when display thumbnails
-- iActorButton = 1 // enable/disable actor names hyper link
-You can change the columns to display, see my later post for this one.
-You can use functions for managing movies with multi-files
--Enter total files in AMC on field: Number of Disks
--Named your .avi files like this : XXXCD1.avi ; XXXXCD2.avi
--Your URL field on AMC should be point to the XXXCD1.avi file.
Version 0.72
- Add filter movie by year of production
- Add search/filter by Director
- Compact the code for smaller size
Version 0.68:
- Improve performance on searching functions
- Improve display on IE (now fully tested with IE7)
Version 0.67
- add new search functions for actors
- add new filter functions for movie source
- optimize some functions for faster processing
- fix bug with blank space in categories
- add new functions for click on actor name to filter movies
Version 0.6
- Add on two variables to control thumbnails display
- Add sorting to all columns in the page.
- Change some GUI on "Long List" display type.
- Add function for controlling multi-files movies
Have fun.[/url]