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undo file and log file

Posted: 2006-10-20 02:55:53
by username
I suggest add an option to generate an undo(.cmd/.bat) file in the destination directory, so that users can undo changes even Ant Renamer is closed.

The default directory of the "Save log to file" option is Toobars subdirectory. I suggest change it to Renamer's main directory.

Posted: 2006-10-20 16:22:52
by antp
Creation of batch files is on my to-do list ;)

About the default path of saving log, I guess it is a bug. Thanks for the info; I'll check that.

Posted: 2006-10-21 19:26:11
by antp
Actually for the log file it seems that it depends on Windows version.
As I do not specify any folder, on 2000/XP it uses either My Documents folder or the last used folder.
Anyway in a future version I will probably change things in the handling of default folder of various actions.