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Problems with the film numbers.

Posted: 2006-10-18 12:49:46
by Strike9000
Hello !!

I live problems with the column of the numbers, the first column in the left side.

I use the barcode with 6 numbers.. ex. 000135 I try to modify the lenght of the column but it's impossible to make more large the column.

After I have another problem.... my barcode are ex. 000001..... why the program delete the first 0 and insert the number 1 ??

Thank for evebody that can help me :)

Posted: 2006-10-18 17:54:50
by antp
First column is stored as number and not as text, so unuseful 0 are removed.

Thank you for answer... but...

Posted: 2006-10-18 18:35:41
by Strike9000
Hi !

thank you for your very fast answer !! :grinking: :grinking: :grinking:

I'm sorry an how I can make for to have more space for to see an numbers with 6 numbers.. ex. 000123 ??? Now I see 100.. (the program we understand and it's clear that change the first zero with the number 1.. I use an reader of barcode "laser gun"

Ciao from Venice

Carlo ;)

Posted: 2006-10-18 19:10:56
by antp
After discussion on MSN Messenger, the problem was the width of the "number" column. I post the solution here if somebody else wants to know how to do it.

- in windows notepad (or any text editor) open the file "italian.lng" (or the language that you use) from the "languages" folder of Ant Movie Catalog
- search for a line with the following contents:
- insert a new line after it and put the following:
- 60 is the number of pixels of the column
by default it is 45 or something like that
if 60 is not enough you can pick a bigger value

For those that use English version, they will have to select the language "english for translations" in Tools -> Languages window.