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script AllGame updated

Posted: 2006-10-09 19:28:34
by scorpion7552
as Kalynuik said in an other topic, has been completely changed, so I have to rewrite my scripts.

for AllGame download this
and for AllgameFullList, download this

note1: because I don't use this script, I don't remember what rating was used before. In this version I use a rating from 0 to 10 (but the site uses a rating from 0 star to 5 stars by half point). If you want to go back to a "0 to 5 rating", just edit the script, look for the line '// uncomment next line if you want a rating from 0 to 5 (by half point)' and uncomment the next line

note2: for the same reason, I don't know if the batch mode is still working: that is, if the 'old' url is the same as the 'new' one. Can someone check that ?

note3: I don't know if anyone use AllgameFullList, because it's a very special script. But anyway, I have modified it as well

Something embarrase me (is this good english?): the title of the site is 'Allgame beta': I hope that they don't change lot of thing for the final release...

If you find bugs, please post them here and don't forget to mention the plateform name and the game name.

Enjoy... ;)

Excellent works like a charm

Posted: 2006-10-10 13:52:22
by Kalynuik
Thank-you so much, script works great, hehe no more manual entries for fields, cut'n'pasting sucked.

As I requested before also any chance of a or script, I hope this is not asking too much, just seems the site delivers good info.

Thanx again, you Rock at scripting

AMC - Best of the Best, Hands Down

Posted: 2006-10-10 22:42:34
by scorpion7552
Hi, thank you for your reply :)

For the movies, I think that there is a lot of scripts already available. Have you tried them? (and if you speak French, you can try one of my other scripts "Monsieur Cinéma", it's a very good French site... :D ). But may be Allmovie has something special... Tell me.

For Allmusic, the problem is similar to Allgame: how to organize the infos, what selection do you want (artist, album,...), what fields (in amc) do you want to be valorized; PM me for that and I will see what I can do.
But, in fact it's depend on what you want: if you want a prog that can handle your MP3 collection, sort them by artist, album, year, etc... I can suggest you to use MediaMonkey with the Magic Nodes plugin (it's the one I use (the free version) ...)

Now here it's late (in Paris, France, not Texas...) and I'm going to bed... :zzz:


Posted: 2006-10-11 12:55:44
by digiworld
Thnx for the new Allgame-script..... i was looking forward to it.

Many many many thnx. Finally i can store my new Games.

Greetz digiworld.

Posted: 2006-10-17 20:22:05
by Kalynuik
I can agree that there are alot of Movie scripts already but as I collect also English Comedy (Britian) as well I have to say Amazon and DVDEmpire and sometimes do not show as having the titles. ie Carry On Dick and Carry On Girls but they both show up at
So no its not important to have a script for only myself just maybe though others could benefit from it as well, your choice though as I know time is prime to everyone and people can spare little.

Thank-you your script rocks, and THank-you if you make the Script and Thank-You if you do not, atleast I could ask and it never hurts to ask.

Steve Kalynuik
AMC - Everything else is just a DataBase

Posted: 2006-10-18 04:59:42
by scorpion7552
OK, seems great...
I'm gonna have a look...
Stay tuned ;)

Posted: 2006-10-22 15:14:47
by frenchfrog_2
Hello scorpion7552,
I am interesting as well in a script for, I am using the mod from Eyael to have a music catalog.
Will you be able to help me ?

Posted: 2006-10-22 21:15:56
by scorpion7552
frenchfrog_2 wrote:Hello scorpion7552,
I am interesting as well in a script for, I am using the mod from Eyael to have a music catalog.
Will you be able to help me ?
I think that I'm going to do something for this site... but actually I'm working on Allmovie and I sure have some work to do for my other french scripts (Cinefil, for example). So, I'm doing it, but not right now. In some days for sure. Be patient ;)

Posted: 2006-10-23 10:49:01
by frenchfrog_2
Thank you for your quick answer scorpion7552.
I have some basic knowledge in scripting, so I am going to see if I can update it.

Posted: 2006-10-23 14:29:30
by frenchfrog_2
I found out the adress to use, it should be as follow :

Code: Select all
After the "SQL=" we should find the name of artist or album, spaces should be replace by "+".
After the "OPT1=" we have "1" if it is a query for an artist, and "2" if it is a query for an album.

Now I am looking at the table, but it seems to be different from the one in the AllGame script...

Posted: 2006-10-27 12:11:27
by klepptoman
Hi scorpion7552

It appears as you suspected, The script for AllGames has stopped working agian :cry: , Help Please

Thanks (Merci)

Posted: 2006-10-27 20:01:48
by scorpion7552
Are you sure ?
I've just tested it and it works.
Tell me what doesn't work for you ... :??:

Posted: 2006-10-29 20:18:58
by frenchfrog_2
Hello scorpion7552,
I just finish updated your AllGame script to work with
I'll start a new thread, tell me what you think of it...

Posted: 2006-11-09 10:58:12
by klepptoman
scorpion7552 wrote:Are you sure ?
I've just tested it and it works.
Tell me what doesn't work for you ... :??:
I just tried to import games & the error msg I get is
" error while reading selection page"

Thanks mate!

Posted: 2006-11-09 11:46:15
by scorpion7552
please, tell me for what plateform(s) and game(s) you have this error. May be a special case


Petite modification sur les scripts Allgame

Posted: 2008-04-22 22:26:25
by Dedej
:lol: J'avais un petit blocage sur le AllgameFullList c'était juste une erreur de syntaxe que j'ai corrigé. Jusqu'à la ça va :grinking:
Ensuite j'ai modifier un peu le script Allgame par fainéantise, j'en avait marre de devoir retaper à chaque fois la plateforme alors j'ai rajouté la lecture du champ média pour éviter cela. :hihi:
vous pouvez trouver ces petites modifs si elles vous interressent ici


Correction of the script.

Posted: 2009-03-18 14:46:52
by Dedej
J'ai modifié le script de à partir de la correction faite pour Sisimizi Game Catalog par Nitec si certain sont intéressé mais bien sur c'est en anglais :/ . Il y a la version SGC et la version AMC.

I made some changes on the Nitec's script correction for Sisimizi Game Catalog, if someone involved. You can find the SGC and the AMC version.

A récupérer ici par Internet Explorer ou programme de FTP, it's here with Internet Explorer or FTP program

Ok in my test it was good but it's hard to test all case :cry: now it must be good and the changes for are:

- Use the field "Platform" to not have to type it at each change of platform by adding an other choice on option platform.
- Add the system requirement if exist.
- Activate the classification.
- Take the review with tests ratings.
- Some text format corrections.
and I think that all. :o

Tell me if you find other bugs.

Oui cela avait l'air de fonctionner avec les tests que j'avais fait mais c'est dur de tester toutes les possibilités et parfois la page diffère une peu. :cry:
Ca doit être bon maintenant pour
Les changements que j'ai fait pour moi sont:

- Utilisation du champs platform en ajoutant un choix dans les options pour ne pas devoir réentrer la plateforme lorsqu'elle change entre deux titre mais est déjà dans le champ.
- Ajout du système requis pour faire fonctionner le programme.
- Activation des restrictions (âge limite)
- Recupération de la critique avec test noté.
- Quelques corrections de format de texte et mises en page.
Et je crois que c'est tout. :o

Dites moi si il y a d'autres bugs.

C'est toujours au même endroit, it's always at the same place (à récupérer avec Internet explorer ou programme de FTP, get with IE or FTP program).

:grinking: Bon catalogue.

Change for Allgame

Posted: 2009-03-28 10:23:40
by Dedej
Apparemment plus de plateforme (peut être temporairement) alors ajout de l'option sans plateforme pour la recherche.

No platform actually (perhaps temporary) , I had option "no platform" for search in this case.

C'est toujours ici, it's here (à récupérer avec Internet explorer ou programme de FTP, get with IE or FTP program).