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Feature Request

Posted: 2022-08-09 08:36:50
by Maode
Dear antp

Thank You for this greate Tool.
It's almost perfect.

The only function I miss, is a "Picture-Renamer".
My Camera makes JPG and RAW Files. If i want to enumerate the Pictures, the JPG and the belonging RAW File gets different Numbers (because each File will numbered separately).
Would be cool, if this function could be realized (last modify of antrenamer is from 2015, but the hope dies last .....)

Best regards
Robert (aka MaoDe)

Re: Feature Request

Posted: 2022-08-09 13:18:31
by antp
You mean that originally the files are named the same way (with different extension), and you want to rename them also the same way, keeping just the extension as difference between the two?
That could indeed be useful.
Unfortunately for the moment I am not working on the program but who knows, maybe some day... (especially if I need that functionality myself :) )

Re: Feature Request

Posted: 2022-08-09 13:39:19
by Maode

Wow - this reaction time is unreal. :clapping:

Yes, that is exactly my use case: same picture, same name, different format (extension).

Thank You, and I understand, that You don't spend Your time with this Program exclusively.
But - who knows - maybe there is a new version ... some day (and You have a new camera).

Thank You for Your reply.
