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How to programming a script that ask me for a value.

Posted: 2006-08-25 03:06:03
by colpito
Dear friends, I need a help.

I'm working to make a script that ask me for a value by a pop up windows, then, after receiving this value (numbers or letters), the script put it in a specific pre-existing field.

I need to make it for a large numbers of movie, so a script is the best and the fast way to do it.

For example : I have a dvd with 6 divx movies on it.
The dvd is number 19.
I put it in my dvd player, and extract the name for all 6 movies, then I connect to a database for extracting the features. At the end of all, for each movie, I need to fill the field " Source " with the string " DVD n. 19 ".
So in every moments I can know that a movie is on a specific DVD by watching this field.

// This script can fill the specific field SOURCE with a fixed string.

program DVDlocation;

WholeWord = True;
Field = fieldSource;
Replace = 'DVD n. 19';

s: string;
SetField(Field, Replace);

In this simple example the string is fixed, but I need that the script ask
for a number every time. So the number (19 or other) will be a var not a const; so the user can tell it by a windows dialogs box... how do it ?

Thanks in advance

Posted: 2006-08-26 12:45:44
by antp
instead of

Code: Select all

 Replace = 'DVD n. 19'; 

Code: Select all

  Replace: string;
then after the "begin" put the following:

Code: Select all

if Replace = '' then
  Input('DVDlocation', 'Enter the new DVD number:', Replace);
if you want that the box already contains something that you can modify, e.g. "DVD n. " and that you just have to add the number, you can do this:

Code: Select all

if Replace = '' then
  Replace := 'DVD n. ';
  Input('DVDlocation', 'Enter the new DVD number:', Replace);