setting values standard values

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setting values standard values

Post by jan_hut »

Would it be possible to set for example the standard value for subtitles to "none" when importing a movie? Or at least export it to html like that if there is no subtitle info available? I think I should be able to use some php code for this but I haven't been able to find a way to code that in a single line (not a line for each language).
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Post by antp »

In the Preferences window there is a button to set default field values. These values are set on a newly created movie.
If you prefer to set a value when getting information from a script, edit the script and add just before the line "DisplayResults;" a line with:

Code: Select all

SetField(fieldSubtitles, 'none');
for example.

Post by jan_hut »

thanks ant!
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