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Added a template for printing direct on disk with Epson 220

Posted: 2006-05-02 23:34:05
by lrissman
Here are a few templates that I use.

To the moderators: Feel free to include these in the Ant Distribution and if you could bring these local to your webserver and save my home connection the bandwidth, i'd be grateful. :wink:

Note, they can easily be modified to print on cd labels and such.. it is just the location where it prints that needs to be moved.


Posted: 2006-05-03 07:37:55
by antp
Thanks ;)
I'll upload these to my server this evening, though that I do not think that such files would take lots of bandwidth from your server.


Posted: 2006-05-09 00:16:01
by lrissman
Well, over the last few days my server has been impacted with a total of about 150 KB of downloads.. :D

I guess you are right about the bandwidth. I suppose the 2ndary concern is the fact that these point to a home connection... Never the most reliable of webservers..

Thanks anyways.. and love the software...

Posted: 2006-05-09 18:19:56
by antp
I uploaded the three files there: