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Numbering and multiple copies

Posted: 2006-03-14 15:29:36
by lepujau
I have dvd storage boxes that hold 80 discs and come with neat numbered pockets from 1-80. I want to use these but my numbering (obviously) runs beyond 80. So, what I'd to know is - can I number movies from 1-80 and then (somehow) start again from 1 for the next 80 dvds for the next box, and so on. One solution would be run multiple copies of the program each holding just 80 movies - is that possible or is there a more elegant solution?

Posted: 2006-03-14 20:25:32
by antp
I would, for the movie nr 81, label it as 101 and continue until 180, then 201->280 etc.
So you know that first number is the box number, and two last number are disc number.
You can change the number of movie 81 to 101, and then the next added movie will take the next number.

Posted: 2006-03-15 14:14:22
by Teebee
Like always Antp has the simplest solution, and it also makes sense :grinking:

Posted: 2006-10-06 12:10:48
by lepujau
Thanks for the help. Since these responses were posted I've discovered a new way of doing this which may or may not be better than Antp's.

For my 80 disc DVD boxes:
1) Fill one file with 80 titles and, save it as (say) BOX1
2) Start a new file and repeat with next 80 discs saving the file as BOX2
3) etc
4) Start a new file and import from BOX1 with "allow duplicate numbers" turned ON
5) then import (to the same new file) from BOX2 etc.

You then get BOX1 files and BOX2 files (or however many you import) with their original numbers. To make sure you know what's what ( for example for printing out a "master" list) you need to create a "source" entry (in my case BOX1, BOX2 etc) for each DVD - but this is just a selection from a drop down list as the program remembers these entries.

This might sound complex but in relaity it's pretty easy to do and it has the merit of keeping each "box" separate (as a file).

This is a truly great program by the way!