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Script download failed: Proxy Authentication Required

Posted: 2006-03-03 15:59:30
by emilio79
Cuando configuro las opciones del proxy para obtener los datos de las pelis me sale el siguiente error
HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required ( The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy service is denied. )

alguien tiene alguna idea, yo utilizo el puerto 8080

Posted: 2006-03-03 16:28:24
by antp
Sorry but I only understand English & French.
Did you fill username and password fields?
What kind of proxy address do you use? If it is a server that sends a configuration file (well used for Internet Explorer for example) you have to open that file and see what is the real proxy address.

Posted: 2006-03-03 18:24:23
by emilio79
fisrt of all sorry my english

Yes I fill username and password fields, the usually configuration to navigate trough the proxy, name of the proxy server or ip address, port 8080, username and password, and nothing i also try with another port: 80, 4700 but it doesnt work
this happends whit anothers collectors example moviecollectorz

Posted: 2006-03-03 18:58:25
by antp
And these proxy settings work somewhere else? Where did you get them?