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Source code of Ant Renamer 1.x available

Posted: 2002-12-01 14:46:23
by antp
I decided to change the license from freeware to GPL.
So now the program is not only freeware but totally free, including its source code.
More information on its "official page" :

Posted: 2004-01-05 15:00:38
by Guest
Is it posible that u can release the source code to the Ant Movie catalog?
We´d love if u could. PLEASE? :D :grinking:

Posted: 2004-01-05 15:59:32
by antp
Ant Movie Catalog 4 will be opensource, but not current version.
It would be quite difficult to compile anyway, since it used old versions of some components (I even't can't compile it anymore myself :D)