Individual settings for each database

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Individual settings for each database

Post by crocodilu_q »


I came across a problem a few days ago when I started to use 2 different amc files. I want to have some different settings for each of them. For example display picture and Group By...

I if set these options for one catalog, they persist when I open the next catalog and I have to re-display the picture and so on...
Is it possible to save these "window" settings directly into the amc file and not somewhere globally ?
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Post by antp »

It was planned to store settings in XML catalogs, but until then you can already use one of the "new" features of version 3.5:
create one shortcut for each catalog, and add a parameter at the end to get something like this:

shortcut 1 :
"c:\program files\ant movie catalog\moviecatalog.exe" "c:\data\catalog1.amc" /prefs "c:\program files\ant movie catalog\catalog 1 settings.xml"

shortcut 2 :
"c:\program files\ant movie catalog\moviecatalog.exe" "c:\data\catalog2.amc" /prefs "c:\program files\ant movie catalog\catalog 2 settings.xml"

If the xml settings files do not exist, they will be created
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