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SQL + pictures export with same number for different films

Posted: 2005-10-02 21:33:30
by clement
When using SQL export and exporting pictures, if some films have the same numbers, their pictures name will be the same ([table_name]_[number]), and thus only one picture will be available.
For example, if I have FILM1 with a picture, which has number 5 and FILM2 with another picture, which has number 5 too.
Only one picture will be available, as films_5.jpg (for example)
Both database rows will have 'films_5.jpg' as picturename.

It would be more interresting to use another formalism, such as films_5.jpg for FILM1 and films_5a.jpg for FILM2. The database information would allow us to know to which film the pictures are attached.

I know this topic could have been placed in comments instead of bugs, but my website now displays wrong pictures, which annoys me quite much. It appears to me this could be conidered as a real bug.

Posted: 2005-10-02 21:44:47
by antp
It is a real bug, it is on my to-do list. There is the same problem for HTML export ;)
I do not know yet how I will fix this, I think that adding a letter after the number is a good idea (more than 26 movie on one number will be a problem then :D)

Posted: 2005-10-06 19:09:24
by Ptraci
No solution for me, then. At the moment I have a list with 30 movies on the same number and the structure I currently plan to use will probably repeat the same situation more than once.

What about adding a number tag starting with 00 or 000 instead of the letters?

Posted: 2005-10-06 19:14:07
by antp
For HTML pages you can choose to use the movie title rather than movie number for files. I do not remember if it also applies to SQL export or not.
You can try it (it's on the Export page of the Preferences window)

Posted: 2005-10-07 06:25:36
by Ptraci
Thank you, it solved half of my problem! ^_^