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Secondary Group Field

Posted: 2002-11-03 05:47:34
by Twink
Just for list view, when you can select Group by field, would be nice to have a second field you group by ie Category and Year
so the Tree would look like

Code: Select all

|  |--Movie1
|  |--Movie2
|  |
| +Comedy
|  |---Movie3
Not sure if this is too clear, but will be very handy in version 4, as I will be able to put my episodes on
and get

Code: Select all

|-+Season 1
|  |--Ep1
|  |--Ep2
| +Season 2
|  |--Ep1
|  |--Ep2

Posted: 2002-11-03 09:58:55
by antp
subitems such as episodes will be possible in version 4 or 4.1
(custom fields, and custom item types, so you can define a "episode" type that must be on a "dvd" item, that must be on a "season" item for example. I hope that it will not be too difficult to manager :/)
for the "group by" on more than 1 level, i will see if it is possible be probably for a later version