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[MOD] Special Script for IMDB, AMG, BP and MovieGoods

Posted: 2005-06-08 04:58:00
by KaraGarga
I wrote this script totaly for my personal pleasure. I like commecting more detailed info about movies i have. This script is Beta and may contains bugs and errors. If you enjoy to use it, please send feedback about its bug to correct them.

- Imports info from IMDB, AMG (opt), BP (Turkish site-opt), MovieGoods (poster-opt)

IMDB Fields:
Orginal Title
AKA Title (opt.)
Cast List (opt.)
Summary (opt.)
Comments (opt.)
Picture (opt.)
Full Credits List (opt.)
Country (opt.)
Category (opt.)
Language (opt.) Description (opt.)
Tag Line (opt.)
Trivia (opt.)
Recommended Titles (opt.)
Movie Connections (opt.)
Awards and Nominations (opt.)

AMG Fields: (opt.)
Translated Title (opt.)
Length (opt.)
Picture (opt.)
Plot synopsis (opt.)
Review (opt.)
Awards (opt.)
Production Credits (opt.)

MovieGoods (opt.)
Huge Movie Proter

BP (opt.)
Translated Title in Turkish (opt.)
Turkish Synopsis
Theatre Date in Turkey

Version 1.0 Beta: (08.06.2005)

Posted: 2005-06-08 07:26:32
by KaraGarga
Well, i found a small error about importing "Lenght" from IMDB and correct it. Package was updated. Please re-download it.

Posted: 2005-06-09 19:51:46
by zile
First, thanks for sharing your script with other useres :grinking:
I just try it. I only change the ImageKind to option 8 and got the following error: script error in IMDB: duplicate identifier in line 27

Posted: 2005-06-09 22:14:18
by KaraGarga
Hi zile,

I'm already using ImageKind option 8 without problem. Could you please send me your copy of script without changing any options.
karagarga (at)

Posted: 2005-06-11 12:41:47
by Teebee
Got the same error, havent changed anything from script in the download file

function FindLine(Pattern: string; List: TStringList; StartAt: Integer): Integer;

Posted: 2005-06-11 13:14:57
by antp
Just delete this line and the var...begin...end block that follows.
I guess that KaraGarga had an old version of StringUtils1.pas

Posted: 2005-06-13 18:09:22
by zile
You are right antp.
He send me old StringUtils1.pas and it works. Will also try your suggestion.