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Wrong charset while printing :(

Posted: 2005-05-30 07:01:30
by Guest
Greetz, Antoine!

Thanks for the best CD-DVD organizing tool! :grinking:

Could you please fix some issue? It would be nice if a default system charset was selected for all text fields when printing... The fact is that on a Russian locale I've got all those Latin umlauts in spite of Russian symbols. Report Designer doesn't give me an opportunity to choose charset, and it would be really much more useful if controlled by the program and not by user.

Thanks in advance!!!

Posted: 2005-05-30 09:50:19
by antp
It is strange that it does not work for you, since it should already use Windows' default charset. I think that there are some users that use it with charsets other than Latin-1.

Posted: 2005-05-30 10:08:12
by antp
I made a test : some templates work, some don't.
It seems that some templates use MS Sans Serif and then display russian characters correctly.
For the others, you have to replace the font "Arial" by "Arial CYR".

Posted: 2005-06-04 06:35:07
by Guest
Thanks for your answer!

The thing is that I can use Arial Cyr for printing Russian characters, but that stops me from using other fonts that do not have individual file for cyrillic charset, such as Verdana or Tahoma :(. But when the application switches charset manually, there are no problems. Maybe it is possible to enable that "charset" listbox in font selection box? AFAIR, it is included with standard font dialog...

Thanks again! Great work ;)!

Posted: 2005-06-04 09:09:20
by antp
I do not know why it does not work for these fonts. I'll have to search in the code, but since the report engine was not made by me, it's not easy :D

Posted: 2005-06-06 19:05:00
by Guest
Aaaargh, I was sure it couldn't be your report module since it didn't fit main application's quality ;). Well, hope you can solve it somehow someday :). Thanks!!!