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Updated German translation
Posted: 2002-06-10 13:04:27
by Bad Joker
i updated the german translation, got rid off all not german entrys and updated it a bit
for any suggestions and feedback please contact me via pm, icq, aim or email (spammeister at gmx dot net)
thanks and credits to:
Juergen Venne (
he wrote the original translation, i only updated and inserted all new entrys since 3.3.0 and tweaked it a bit
Posted: 2002-06-10 13:35:30
by antp
The original translator did not had time to update the translation for the moment.
Now I think that all translations are finished, except Czech translation which is done but that I haven't received yet.
Major update
Posted: 2002-06-16 14:29:40
by Bad Joker
after my first basic modification of the language file, i did a major update of it
now all sentences make sense at all and sounds better then in the old one
you can find it at the same url (see above, first posting)
here are some language issues that cannot handled by me, maybe you can update that in your next versions:
After starting scripting, when you get ask to stop the batch process, the windows is not translated:
Title: Confirm (not translateable)
Do you want to stop the Scripting Process (this sentence is translateable)
Buttons: Yes/No (not translateable)
Same when you want to delete a movie, also the Title and the Buttons are not translateable
In the export windows, the button "Insert Tag" is not translateable
SQL-Commands are not translateable
Icon Names are not translateable (inside the config)
In the Scriptting windows, the imdb import dialog is not translateable ("Enter the title of the movie")
thats all at the moment...
please update the file to your installer, it's really much better now
Posted: 2002-06-16 16:26:48
by antp
Thanks for the translation update. I will probably update the installation file soon (maybe today).
For the other points :
1,2. I cannot change title and buttons, I use MessageDlg function from Delphi
. I will maybe use something else so I can translate titles and buttons.
3. One line was missing in your file :
Code: Select all
ExportWin.ActionInsertTag.Caption=&Insert Special Tag
(maybe my fault when I updated the German.lng file)
4. What do you mean by SQL-Commands ? "Add drop table" and "Create table" ? It is strange, I wonder why I forgot them
I'll add them later
5. Which icon names do you mean ?
6. The title comes from the script file
I'll wait for the missing line "Insert tag" before updating the installer.
Posted: 2002-06-16 17:22:21
by Bad Joker
!up (dated)
thx for your fast reply
with the icon names i mean the titles of you custum icon sets
(srow, classic, winxp)
Posted: 2002-06-16 20:03:35
by antp
The titles of the icon sets are the file names (bmp files in the Toolbar folders)
Posted: 2002-08-01 09:07:10
by Bad Joker
i did it again...
new translation is up on same adress
just did the translation without testing it hard, not had the time too
maybe i'll change some parts again to fit it better
then i'll tell you, this one should work
Posted: 2002-08-01 09:11:20
by antp
Posted: 2002-08-09 04:11:13
by Bad Joker
updated it again
also some parts of the script editor and scripting not translateable, forgot which one, will tell you later, too tired now
Posted: 2002-09-15 19:24:17
by Bad Joker
updated again...
i send it by mail
the url is down
maybe there will be a new adress, but not now
Posted: 2002-09-15 20:47:19
by antp
I will try to update that tomorrow
Posted: 2004-05-10 05:29:58
by Bad Joker
hey ant, i got two questions for the next release of the translation:
what means the entry "ExportWin.MnuMovRec.Caption=Record number" (what's the function of it?)
and is there still need of limiting the maximum numbers of chars in a field, as it was <3.4.0?
or can i deleted these hints?
Posted: 2004-05-10 15:28:31
by antp
The fields limit has been removed in a 3.x version (3.1 or 3.2 I think).
"record number" is the number that is incremented for each move (1st exported is 1, 2nd is 2, etc. so it does not depend of the movie itself but of its position in the list after that it has been sorted)
Posted: 2004-05-10 15:41:59
by Bad Joker
so when i sort alphabetically, it will look like this:
id3 basic instict=1
id1 gladiator=2
id2 independence day=3
and sort after number would be:
id1 gladiator=1
id2 idependence day=2
id3 basic instinct=3
Posted: 2004-05-10 21:09:37
by antp
Posted: 2004-05-30 22:36:28
by Bad Joker
ok, here it is... after some time
version 3.4.3
Posted: 2004-05-30 22:54:23
by antp