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How to send a translation?

Posted: 2005-04-28 21:26:30
by sweko
First, congratulation to Antoine on a great program. I checked out some movie DB programs, but with this one things just clicked into place.

Now, I created translation files for AMC (both 3.4.3 and 3.5 versions) for macedonian language, and distibuted them to some of my friends.

I would like that the translation be included in the upcoming releases of AMC.
How could I do that?

And, how can I make a picture of the flag appear in the "Languages" window?

Posted: 2005-04-29 07:26:28
by antp
You can send me the translation by e-mail or upload it to a web server.
For the flag, I'll give you the code this evening (when I'll be at home). It is a 16x16 4 bits BMP file encoded in MIME. I have all the flags as icons so I take them from this series.