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Function "Expand by Default"

Posted: 2005-04-23 05:21:00
by Marco

Just to inform you that this function doesn't work properly.
I've UNchecked the flag under the options but all movies, after selecting a filter, are expanded after few milliseconds.


Posted: 2005-04-23 12:08:49
by antp
What do you call a "filter"?
For me it works fine...

Posted: 2005-04-28 07:57:31
by Marco
Filter... I mean right click on the list and select only.... view by year, by insert date.....

when I select a visual filter the list is expanded by default. I've checked and unchecked the flag "expand by default" under the options but nothing changes.

Posted: 2005-04-28 09:24:05
by antp
That's strange, it works fine for me :??: This is maybe related to another option that is enabled/disabled :/