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Posted: 2005-04-18 14:29:51
by dems
As the name tells it
its the all time classic template made from Willspo but with ten stars rating
f.e. 6.3 -> six and a half stars
and 6.1 -> six stars

Its a mod of the v3 one not the one with the installer

Just realized I cant put any attachments in here
Someone host it or whatever

My mail so you can get the file is

Posted: 2005-04-18 14:55:31
by dems
This version only works with iexplorer though just like the original
Dont know what I have to change to make it work with Firefox....

Re: xslt_template_3_RatingFix

Posted: 2005-04-18 15:17:04
by antp
dems wrote:
Its a mod of the v3 one not the one with the installer
The one that comes with the installer is an older one?
Can you send me both versions by mail so I put them on my server (and with the install maybe)

Posted: 2005-04-18 17:09:55
by dems
the one with the installer is a newer one but it doesnt support ratings in the x.x format

I altered the v3 one to support x.x ratings cause I liked its layout more ;)

I m sending it to you now.

Posted: 2005-04-18 17:45:30
by antp

Posted: 2005-08-08 07:14:12
by Dean Mihaylov
I Have a Problem, My Movie Catalog is in Bulgarian, but this theme, does not supports it ... can someone fix it ? or just tell me how to fix it....

Posted: 2005-08-08 07:47:12
by antp
In data/movies.xml there is the first line that specifies the encoding:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
You have to replace "ISO-8859-1" by the bulgarian charset. Try with "Windows-1251"

Posted: 2005-08-08 08:56:19
by Dean Mihaylov
Wow, man, It worked :)))
Thanks :grinking:

Posted: 2005-08-13 15:39:02
by Dean Mihaylov
Wilspo, how can I add an URl of a movie in the pop-up screen ?
I've tried to do it, but the URl didn't me with this one.
I'm also thinking of adding a slideshow of screenshots in the pop-up screen. Any idea how to do it ? :??: