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Script error: Unit not found at line 4

Posted: 2005-03-19 23:33:57
by Mguel
After installing version 3.5 and deleting some scripts from the script folder I get this error when trying to run IMDB:


Before deleting the scripts, the IMDB script runned without problem. To make it work again I have to undelete/restores all deleted scripts... :hum:

Posted: 2005-03-19 23:35:27
by antp
I guess that you deleted StringUtils1.pas, which is used by IMDB and some other scripts.
The ".pas" files do not appear as scripts, but they may be used by other scripts, so they should not be deleted ;)

Posted: 2005-03-20 02:13:47
by Mguel
ups... :ha:
