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3.5rc6 Pictures saved in wrong path

Posted: 2005-02-28 21:29:26
by [PPr]Verstoerer

in rc6 is still a problem with the wrong path where imported pictures are saved.

First my options under picture import:
drag drop / Get information from file: Store in cataloge + Make relative path

For internet scripting: Store picture into catalog

I opened my cataloge, added a new movie and imported all information and the picture from a script (ofdb).
After that I imported the information from file. So i changed in the open dialog to the folder with the movie and imported the information about codec and so on.
Then i saved the catalog (usual behavior under windows ;).
Now the picture is saved in the folder with the movie, not within the forder of the catalog where the other pictures are stored.
I think AMC is saving the picture in the actual path -which was changed by the open dialog.

Adding a 2nd new movie with iNet import of info and picture and direkt saving (without importing from file) will save the picture at the right place.

Maybe the bug will only apear before saving the first time?
No, i tried this. Opening my catalog, saving, adding new & Script import won't help.

Now AMC is saving the whole time the pictures in the folder where the movie is stored and not where the .xml file is stored.

Re: 3.5rc6 Pictures saved in wrong path

Posted: 2005-02-28 21:45:05
by antp
[PPr]Verstoerer wrote:Store in cataloge + Make relative path
The relative path option is only related to the link option.
[PPr]Verstoerer wrote: Now AMC is saving the whole time the pictures in the folder where the movie is stored and not where the .xml file is stored.
Storing pictures inside the catalog is possible only for .amc files
A .xml file is a text file, storing pictures in it would require to encode them so they would be 33% bigger. I could make it, but I am not sure it would be a so good idea.

Posted: 2005-02-28 21:50:02
by [PPr]Verstoerer
ah, so just the wrong options since i'm not storing into an .amc file. thx for clearing up.